Shutdown Announcement

Click for Discord announcement

Dear Logger users and supporters,

As of 04/05/2024, Logger will be shutting down. This is from my own choice, and not from Discord or any other source. After 7 years of service, I'm happy with where Logger has gone.

Logger has played a significant role in my growth as a young developer. It served as a stepping stone, helping me secure my first full-time job, and providing a platform for experimenting with new languages, technologies, and practices. I've learned so much technical information, like how to manage a Linux machine, JavaScript, Kubernetes, and working towards scalability for a few.

I want to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible journey we've had together. Logger reaching 300,000 Discord servers is a truly impressive milestone I am thankful for. Your support, use, and suggestions have been the driving force behind Logger's success, and for that, I am immensely grateful. Logger may not be perfect, but I'm happy with how it has developed, and the dedicated purpose with which it serves.


I want to extend a very special thank you to the Patreon supporters of Logger ( @mad lad @patron tier 2 @patron tier 1 ). Your generous support has been a cornerstone, allowing Logger to remain free and accessible to all for this whole time. Your support is the reason I had motivation to rewrite Logger to continue living after it reached 20,000 Discord servers (v2 -> v3).


Patreon Logger will shut down with Logger.


Monthly billing has been disabled

What now?

Check out a bot list or the app directory for a replacement bot!

Open source (run the bot yourself)

Logger will continue to be open sourced at The Discord server and GitHub have guides on how to run the services required for Logger. I plan on releasing an updated guide for how to use Docker to bring up a Logger instance for your own needs. If you don't want to wait, check out the pull requests for community derived docker-compose.yaml files.

What's next?


Logger will go offline upon the day of the shutdown. NOBODY will be continuing to host the bot using the same identity, token, or database information that Logger currently uses. All stored data will also be wiped upon the day of the shutdown.

Discord server

Logger's Lounge will be converted to a selfhosting server.

Thank you so much

I'm so proud and thankful of where Logger has gone, and the time I've spent maintaining it with it's consumers. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey.

With gratitude, piero (logger monkey)